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Electric Vehicle Charging Basics

This page will address all of your electric vehicle-related inquiries, whether you own one or are just curious. We’ll go through everything from the fundamentals — what is an electric vehicle? — to the finer points that affect charging speeds.

EV Charging Basics

What is Battery Electric Vehicle

Battery Electric Vehicle – BEV A Battery Electric Vehicle has no combustion engine. All the car’s energy comes from the battery, which powers an electric motor. BEVs have zero emissions, and they’re quiet—quiet as a cucumber. The “range” (or distance you can travel on a charge) varies between models and years, but most BEVs can get anywhere from 140 – 450 km on a single charge. (And that number is growing — and fast!).
EV Charging Basics

Your EV Is different form Filling Up Your Car


Charging your EV is a lot like… charging your phone. Yes! Just like how people have different habits for charging their phones, EV owners have different habits for charging their vehicles. Some people charge their phones at night while they sleep. Some charge at work at their desk. And others take advantage of chargers everywhere – in their car, at home, at the airport — wherever they can. So, the good news is that there are several options for how to charge your EV, just like there are for charging your phone.


As of now, charging an electric vehicle from near empty to full takes more time than refilling a petrol/diesel powered car. However, that time difference is shrinking. The EV world is versatile – and evolving. At first, the majority of people with EVs charged at home or at work over a period of several hours. Now, as thousands of fast chargers are deployed across the country, EV drivers have the option to “charge on-the-go” — as they shop for groceries, pick up a prescription, or grab a coffee — all in about 15-45 minutes.

EVs are better for the environment

The “end of oil” is closer than people think. Fossil fuels – including petrol/diesel – are not permanent resources. And fossil fuel consumption produces smog, greenhouse gases, and other pollutants harmful to human health. All battery-electric vehicles (BEVs) produce zero local emissions. There’s a common misconception that the production of electric vehicles — and the energy electricity generated to charge them — creates as much harmful pollutants as gas powered vehicles. That’s simply not true. Electric vehicle emissions are lower. And the grids that power them continue to increase their sourcing from renewable energies, electric vehicles will continue to get cleaner. .


Charging an electric vehicle costs less money than filling up a petrol/diesel car (on average, about 65% less). The price of petrol/diesel depends on several factors – the cost of crude oil, taxes, and world supply & demand. The price of electricity depends primarily on how many other people are using electricity. When a lot of people are using electricity, it adds strain to the grid. And this strain increases the cost of a charge. Because the electric vehicle and charging industries are evolving simultaneously, new innovations are being created to make charging faster and less expensive.

How Long Does It Take to Charge Your Electric Vehicle?

Most non-electric vehicle owners think charging takes forever. However, electricity is everywhere, and some owners will do the bulk of their charging at home or at work, where their car is able to “fill up” while sitting all day or all night. Also, most non-EV owners are not aware of DC fast charging — where drivers can now typically charge in 15-45 minutes. And when you find an GHE-EV charger that aligns with your shopping mall or highway restaurants, it only takes a minute or two for you to plug in and tap on the app to start your session, and then the car and the charger do the work while you go for those 15-45 minutes!